Saturday, May 29, 2010

This may a little rough and rambling but I’m just typing things “off the cuff”. My apologies.

News of the World

North Korea is now exporting nuclear technology! A UN report states that the North Korean government is involved in “banned nuclear and ballistic activities” in a number of nations, notably Iran, Syria, and Myanmar. In addition North Korea is said to be setting up “assembly” shops abroad in places like the Congo, where they can export components, assemble them, and then export them abroad from a less-sanctioned nation. Remember when the last administration referred to North Korea and Iran as 2 parts of an “Axis of Evil”? Right-wing warmonger. Our State Dept. (I had forgotten that we had one until I saw the wicked witch of Little Rock on the news) is completely ineffective. We have no foreign policy whatsoever.

Some recent (this week) examples of our failed excuse for foreign policy:

During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan (Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism) described violent extremists as victims of "political, economic and social forces," "Nor do we describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam”. Among his other remarks in that same speech…that it would be "counterproductive" for the United States to use the term, as it would "play into the false perception" that the "murderers" leading war against the West are doing so in the name of a "holy cause."

During a national security discussion at the Brookings Institution Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (she’s such a non-entity that even the news media often forgets her title, referring to her as “the former 1st lady”) complained that the United States has lowered taxes on the wealthy (ignore the fact that the highest bracket has remained at 35% for 7 years from 39.6% while the lowest went from 15% to 10% and that nearly 40% of Americans pay no taxes) and said nations around the world need to "increase their public revenue collections" to spur investment "The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues (the United States is), whether it's individual, corporate, whatever the taxation forms are,"

How does either of these tools help protect our national security or national interests? Brennan feels that we shouldn’t label as anti-U.S. Islamic Jihadists the anti-American Islamic Jihadists who continuously claim to be conducting a jihad in the name of Islam against the Great Satan (the U.S). Hillary in the meantime tries to link national security in the face of mounting nuclear threats from China-Korea-Iran to the BHO redistribution of wealth scheme.

This administration has tied every issue facing our country to their National Socialist war on our culture (and in the process placing the blame on GWB, the Emmanuel Goldstein of the Obama camp) so that oil spills are examples of corporate greed (ignore that the BHO gang granted the exemption that allowed the drilling) and its not Barney’s problem but BP’s to clean it up. Making cars safer, $108 million in new taxes on car sales to research what happened (notice past tense) at Toyota. Defending our nation is dependant on wealth redistribution and being sensitive to the feelings of our enemies. Solving illegal immigration issues should be accomplished by dissolving the borders, providing welfare to foreign invaders and describing as racist any notion that we maintain some form of national sovereignty. We have allowed our nation to be hijacked and put on a course to become something anathema to that which its creators ever envisioned.

On the Environmental Front….

In his news conference Thursday, President Obama singled out the MMS as being a problem and said that although Interior Secretary Ken Salazar had started cleaning house there, "the culture had not fully changed in MMS." He described it as "a culture in which oil companies were able to get what they wanted without sufficient oversight and regulation." He also went on to state that he had inherited this problem from Goldstein (whoops, GWB). Let’s look at a little timeline, shall we?

Jan. 29, 2009 Newly installed Interior Secretary Salazar launches an ethics reform program and orders a new code of conduct for MMS employees. Then 10 months later…

Oct. 7, 2009 House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform reports MMS program mismanagement and cozy relationships with industry officials have led to the loss of billions in revenue. Months later we see…

April 8, 2009 GAO report says MMS in Alaska has been a target for lawsuits that claim it hasn't properly considered the environmental effects of offshore petroleum lease sales.

So, as President you know, prior to when you take office that there’s a problem. You appoint new management, who continue “business as usual”, you ignore reports that nothing has changed (because now your cronies are getting rich?) and lawsuits claiming laxity. Finally, when there is a catastrophic failure on a platform exempted by the BHO administration 1st claim that clean-up is BP’s problem then go on vacation, lots. Hold a news conference in which you claim everything is under control and that even if you were more involved it would still be a disaster and lives would still be ruined. Then when Party hack James Carville is foaming at the mouth on national TV about how “people are dying down here & he’s doing nothing” you show up for a photo-op on a beach and explain that the buck stops with me but this is the result of corporate greed and the boogey-men from the last administration and in no way is any of this my fault so I don’t want any questions or blame.  Where are the claims of corruption, profiteering and racism in the government so prevalent when Katrina hit New Orleans (nobody ever looks at the failure to heed NWS warnings to evacuate, failure of local officials to have a plan of evacuation or to apply for available federal relief funds)?Where are the protests, where is the outrage?

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