Thursday, July 22, 2010

  “Single payer or public option” (euphemisms for “socialized”) medicine is back in the news, this time as a cost savings measure since the debt is so high. Did nobody see this bait & switch tactic coming? A year ago I had this conversation with someone (my brother, I think). The Congress will pass some half-assed plan which will cost a fortune & not address the things it’s supporters claim are wrong with healthcare, then when its shown to be a failure, they’ll suggest socialized medicine as the cure for fixing the fix.

  Here’s my fix for healthcare in America:
  1) Allow competition across state lines. Why do we see ads for car insurance every day? Competition, that’s why, same reason rates have come down.
  2) End employer/group programs. This scam by the monopolies in healthcare insurance forces you to pay for a bundle of services you don’t need. You buy a policy just like you do for car, home, life insurance and you buy the features & coverage’s you want. It used to be known as major medical because that’s all it covered. Incidentally, it’s another leftover from FDR/New Deal days. During the war gov’t mandated controls on wages & hiring practices meant employers had to offer “something” to lure workers away so “medical insurance” began to be an employer benefit.
  3) Assigned Risk, just like car insurance. Co “A” insures 40% of the populace; they take 40% of the high risk policies & the max. rate is capped.
  4) That’s the limit of Federal involvement.

  And now, on to the rant…

  A man who has NEVER run anything, never hired/fired, done payroll, had to show some level of performance to justify pay is now in charge of America & bound & determined to hand over control of all wealth to the federal government.

  I hate that piece of crap Barack Obama; absolutely despise that lying, corrupt, racist, fascist ass. I will give him & his regime the same measure of respect that his idiotic worshippers have given previous administrations, that is to say less than none. I will not be placated by the racist notion that we should expect or demand less of our leader by virtue of “…1st black president”. I will not be fooled by propaganda nor intimidated by threats into accepting that this regime is anything other than a coup by national socialists whose purpose is to destroy our republic and replace it with an all powerful & totalitarian socialist police state. This Nazi shit came to power as a result of massive voter fraud, voter intimidation and record amounts of special interest money and any efforts to investigate any of this have been stymied by his goons both within & outside of the regime. I will continue to rail against this Nazi assbag at every opportunity and I will harbor no tolerance for any of his minions even those who follow simply because they are too stupid to see the truth.

  Some debate rages as to whether BHO is smart or imbecilic, is he capable of some of the plotting attributed to him? As a friend of mine pointed out a black man, raised as a Muslim with no experience, named Barack HUSSEIN Obama won the US Presidential election while we are at war in 2 Muslim countries. Don’t underestimate this guy. Do I think he’s brilliant? Hell no, he’s a dope who makes as many or more gaffes than those attributed to GWB but what he does have is cunning, ambition, driven by class & racial hatred, a good sense of how to use the media and create/exploit hysteria, in short a master manipulator. Short of not being able to get the Olympics the Hitler/BHO comparison is not without some validity.

Monday, July 19, 2010

   Something on TV about the JFK assassination & LBJ. Was there a plot, did the CIA have a hand in it? Why did this happen? Who cares? JFK’s claim to fame is that he was assassinated in Dallas. Otherwise he would have gone in the history books as a 2-term President who had sex with movie stars & got us into the Vietnam War. The Kennedys were the drunken, arrogant, overgrown fratboy whoremonger sons of a bootlegger who bought an election with the help of his Mob buddies. PR & lots of time & money spent on media relations account for much of their legacy. The whole thing is of little or no relevance to modern society. The subsequent lunatic theories have a much greater effect on our culture than the actual death of the President.

   I’ve read about 3 dozen books on the JFK assassination, I’ve read the Warren Commission report, I still have a dozen plus books on the subject. What I’ve come to believe is that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, shot Kennedy from the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Forget a motive kids. Why did Hinckley shoot Reagan, why did Chapman shoot Lennon, or why did Booth shoot Lincoln? Anyone know David Berkowitz’s motive? The motive only needs to make sense to one guy. If you look at the Zapruder film frame 313 shows the front of JFK’s head blown out. Shot from behind. Small hole in, big hole out, bullets do that, its physics. Is it a tough shot? Maybe. Lucky shot? Maybe, but anybody who does enough shooting has at some point made that tough or lucky shot that they might never repeat.

   The notion of Oswald as the lone nut is no more ridiculous than any of the other theories and less so than some. If I was to make a case for a conspiracy I would look at how the Soviet government could exploit the death of Kennedy and benefit from increased unrest and distrust of the government in the US and whether they funneled money or fueled any of the theories of conspiracy. I could almost accept the conspiracy of the myriad of theories blaming the government in some capacity and helping to destroy the belief that our government was “good”.