Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Owned by the Unions

   The President of the United States is aware of and involved in the planning and execution of trade-unionist (otherwise known as Socialist gang) protests, assaults and near riots against his (and his Party’s) political opponents and has been during his entire corrupt occupation of the office he now holds. The facts are irrefutable. The head of the SEIU was the number 1 visitor to the White House in 2009 (58 times) while SEIU members were bussed to Town Hall meetings all over America to break up debate, literally, thru denying access, intimidation, threats, and in a few rare cases actual violence against citizens over BHO’s socialized medicine plans. The current president of the AFL-CIO states that he visits the White House several times a week and talks to BHO or a member of his administration every day. While that may be a slight exaggeration the White House records list him as having been there 46 times in 2 years!

   Why is the President in collusion with these Socialist agitators, you ask? They own him, that’s why! Labor Unions in the US donated nearly $500 million to BHO’s 2008 campaign to buy the Presidency, almost 2/3 of all the funds he collected! Of the 712 organizations listed as exempt from Obamacare 171 plans are actual union run plans and these account for the largest numbers of workers exempted (United Federation of Teachers alone is 351,000 votes…er members). This does not consider those businesses given exemptions which are held in thrall by unions, thus increasing further the number of votes bought for 2012. The list from the HHS website is here:  Note that the list is no longer (as of Jan 26) updated. 733 exemptions have been issued, 21 since they stopped posting.
   Private sector trade unions have driven the cost of American-made goods so high that almost every American industry has moved their operations at least in part overseas so that now so little of what we consume is made here and our trade deficit grows larger each day. Public sector unions now hold our nation hostage with threats of strikes and ever more expensive, taxpayer funded, ever more excessive pension plans. It has been almost a century since trade unions have performed any function save to line the pockets of their leaders and the politicians they buy. It is high time Americans say “Enough!” to these thugs and their “community organizer” puppet!

Cowards in office

   Regardless of the “rightness” of the legislation or whether those absentee representatives will be on the losing side, that some elected members of the legislature would flee to prevent a vote on a piece of legislation is the most immature and irresponsible action yet from any elected official in recent memory (with the exception of BHO's handling of the Gulf spill). That these little “men” cannot, rather will not attempt to work for a compromise, nor attempt to make an appeal to passion or reason as to change minds, nor barring that be man enough to accept defeat and vow to fight on, that they would use this prank to thwart the very process they swore to uphold is reprehensible. The voters in Wisconsin should recall or impeach these cowards for dereliction of duty and using the power of their offices to block due process.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Collected Thoughts

   It has been a while since I posted here. I'm putting up a collection of short bits I've banged out in response to various bits of news recently.

  Funny that the Obama regime did not call for the resignation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when protesters filled the streets of Tehran in 2009 claiming voter fraud and calling for new elections and yet publicly said that Hosni Mubarak must resign immediately as soon as a mob formed in Cairo.

  Are we to believe that Mubarak’s government is somehow more oppressive and/or a greater threat to international security than that of Iran? Did Obama’s advisors simply decide that since the Iranian protesters had no chance of success it was best to ignore rather than support them? Or in this new order are we simply more impolite and less discrete with our allies than our enemies?
  This is not a commentary for or against the Mubarak government but rather a condemnation of what I perceive as another example of muddled thinking by the BHO administration vis-à-vis relations with allies and foreign policy.

And in response to someone who suggested that BHO is bowing to conservatives and Egypt will have more freedom than we…
 I love that the radical left hates him too. Yes by all means, go to Egypt for democracy...there hasn't been an actual democracy on this planet since Athens nearly 2500 years ago. Amazing how people living in a republic market to others this package of "democracy", this wonder product they themselves have never used. The word is bandied about as something to be given to tribal cultures as a curative for what ails their society almost as though it’s a prescription for "civilizing" them. The screaming mob in the street, American-idol pop icon elections, rule by the loudest speaker, that's your democracy. Spending $750 million dollars to drown out anyone who questions your fitness for office then going right back to old school party politics, 65 million morons who fell for a Madison ave. ad campaign, there's your democracy. Want to know the difference between Sarah Palin and Barak Obama? He’s the black idiot (who raised enough money to buy an election)...oh, and tits. That’s all. Democracy is the worst form of government because the least interested, least informed, lowest imbecile's vote counts as much as anybody else’s and when there's a nation of imbeciles...

  There are no democracies on this planet; we live in a republic, that’s the best you’re going to get. If by “democratization” one means the process of moving away from tribal cultures towards some form of national government based on recognizing an intrinsic value in the notions of life & liberty and the rule of law then it’s a good thing. To us the benefits of representative government, the rule of law, free markets are obvious or rather should be; we often forget that only our system allows a citizen to hate the system and still receive its protection. Nobody in our culture goes to Dachau, Siberia or is run over by tanks on the Capitol Mall for protesting.
  But we in the West have arrived at a point where screaming is supplanting debating, polling and popularity contests supplant platforms and electoral decisions, and the majority must yield to the minority to avoid offending anyone’s sensibilities or disenfranchising a group of potential voters. Both the far left and far right ultimately advocate courses which would yield whether by accident or design either a totalitarian nanny-state or a dissolution into a confederacy that would look like the former USSR.
  While I feel that the Federal government has far exceeded the original conception and that all government levels in our modern society have intruded excessively into our lives and that we should have more “accountability” from government that all starts with an informed citizenry thinking for themselves, imbued with a sense of personal responsibility and love of motherland and liberty, all of which our culture seems to hunt down and destroy with ruthless efficiency.
  I want to be left alone, without big brother running my life at every step and I would love to vote FOR a candidate rather than against one. I want a candidate who has principals instead of positions.

  That stupid Chrysler commercial had me pissed last night. BS about “America” & “Detroit”. Bailed out twice by the taxpayers this company (which was not an “American” company being part of the Daimler Corp.) is operated by Italian car company Fiat and the majority of the stock is held by a branch of the UAW, an organization which has done more to send American jobs overseas than any other group on earth.

  GM to pay “profit sharing”; $189 million in extortion money to 48,000 UAW workers who have held the company hostage for decades & several million more to salaried employees. GM to announce 2010 4th quarter “profits” as well. Too bad its not profit, since they haven’t paid back the nearly $48 billion in TARP funds the company received as part of the illegal co-opting of GM from its creditors & stockholders by the federal government & the UAW. As taxpayers I guess we’re not entitled to being paid back. Wouldn’t it have been easier and cheaper to simply pay trade-unionists directly for their votes rather than engage in this costly farce. One need only look at the growing list of organizations exempted from the burden of Obamacare to see that this election was bought and paid for by special interests to a degree that makes all previous administrations look amateurish...