Friday, May 28, 2010

   Some of my friends have some odd views of the world and how it should be ordered so I have done some study. Let me see if I understand the “Liberal” viewpoint…

   “There ought to be a law…” and the government should be providing more services and taxing the “rich” should pay for it, but the government shouldn’t interfere in my life and I pay enough. “Rich” doesn’t include anyone in Hollywood nor contributors to the National Socialist movement.

   Killing innocent babies in the womb is ok and should be funded and protected by the government as a “right” but killing criminals is wrong because an innocent man might die. A woman’s “right” to kill her baby is her choice alone, but if she chooses to have the child she’s entitled to reparations from the father, who has no say in the matter of his child.

   If an old conservative has an affair with a staffer he’s a sex offender and should resign in disgrace. If a President who was the darling of hippydom has a long history of using his offices to not only hide his career as a sexual predator but to bribe and intimidate anyone who tries to go public he’s a victim of the “right-wing conspiracy”.

   Being anti-Christian, attacking all references to Christianity and promoting the nonsensical, unfounded, unconstitutional Supreme Court doctrine of “Separation of Church & State” because of fears of the “Christian Right" establishing a theocracy in America while howling for U.S. aid to make Tibet a theocracy under that fraud & Hollywood celebrity, the Dalia Lama and promoting idiocy like footbaths in airports so that terrorists can observe their foul Sharia law before blowing up our airplanes.

   Whining for “solutions” and “compromise” when what you really mean is endless debate designed to confuse and obfuscate and calling acceptance of your pet policy a compromise by virtue of having allowed it to be discussed.

   Using the words “tolerance” and “open-minded” to describe the intolerant, close-minded doctrine of rejecting and destroying the ideas and institutions of anyone not adhering to leftist dogma through a campaign of attack and ridicule including name-calling and claims of racism and fascism against the Party’s enemies.

   Attempting to restructure the language itself through both the education system and the legal system to prevent ideas contrary to leftist dogma from being expressed, but being “for” freedom of speech.

   Promoting a massive nanny state wherein all aspects of life will be regulated, the sheeple will be protected from themselves and in which all will be provided for via the public coffers while maintaining the ability to call with a straight face any who oppose this “utopia” of National Socialism as a “Nazi” or “right-wing fascist conspirator”

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